Hill Workout, OUTSIDE!

Note, if you want to do this inside on cardio equipment, just up the resistance level and hop off your bike/treadmill/elliptical for the pushups etc.


Reps are represented for intense/modified workout, e.g. (10/5) means do 10 reps for an intense workout or 5 for a modified. Of course, you can scale up or down as you see fit!

Find your favorite or perhaps least favorite hill. The hill should take at least four minutes to walk up.

1)     Walk up and down hill at a moderate pace. You should be able to talk comfortably on this first hill walk.

2)     At top of the hill, do 10/5 pushups and hold a 30/15 second plank.

3)     Walk down the hill.

4)     Now pick up the pace and walk quickly up the hill, take at least 30/15 seconds off of your walking pace.

5)     At top of the hill, do 10/5 pushups and hold a 30/15 second plank.

6)     Walk down the hill.

7)     Now jog up the hill (if you can, if not, walk quickly again). Try to take at least 30 seconds off of your walking pace.

8)     At top of hill, do 10/5 push ups and hold a plank for 30/15 seconds.

9)     Walk down the hill.

10)  Now jog up the hill, picking up the pace if you can. If you do not run, do another fast-paced walk up the hill. Believe me, walking fast up a hill four times is a workout!

11)  At the top of the hill, do 10/5 pushups and hold a 30/15 second plank.