Cancellation Policy

In order for this small business to be sustainable, and to be fair to people on waiting lists, we have a 4-hour cancellation policy, meaning you have to cancel 4 hours or more before class start time, or else it’s considered a “late cancel.” We are unable to offer exceptions to this rule.

How this works:

For drop-ins, and 1x, 2x, 3x month, and unlimited packages purchased after Dec. 1, 2022

If you do not show for a class you signed up for, or do not cancel prior to 4 hours before class, you lose that pass to use again. For instance, if your monthly membership comes with 12 passes (3x week membership), and you used one to sign up but didn’t cancel in time, you now have 11 to use in that month. As a small business, we thank you for understanding.

Late to Class Policy and Leaving Early Policy

We understand it can be hard to get to class and sometimes you need to leave early. No problem! But if you’re late, and there’s a waitlist, that’s where things get dicey. You must be on your bike by 5 minutes after class start or else your bike can go to another client. This will allow the class to run smoothly without interruption.

If you are leaving early, please grab a bike or mat near the door, to provide as minimal interruption to other clients as possible.

Cell Phone Policy

Please refrain from using your phone during class as it is distracting to other clients and potentially unsafe. We understand there are emergencies and sweaty selfies of course, but in general we need folks to be off their phones.

Kiddos Policy

No children are permitted in the studio unless they are a paying participant in the class. We do welcome children ages 12 and up, as long as they are at least 4′ 11″ and fit comfortably on our bikes.

Wait List Policy

When classes are booked full, clients can join the waiting list. You must have a mobile number on file with us in order to join. You will receive a text message when a space opens up, and you’ll have five minutes to confirm before a text is sent to the next person on the waitlist. You must confirm your spot in order to have a space in class.

What We Ask as a Studio

• If you have constructive feedback, please call or email Sky. Speaking negatively during or after class can negatively impact other clients’ experience. Life is hard enough, we’re all here for a good time. Our instructors work so hard. Our clients are enjoying feeling amazing after a hard workout. Please don’t kill the buzz!

• Please be welcoming and kind to new clients, we can all remember our first classes and it takes time to learn set ups and movements.

• After class, wipe down your equipment. We have a bathroom and a shower for your convenience, we ask that you limit your shower time to 2 minutes to be considerate of others waiting, including the instructor who will lock up 15 minutes after class.

• Always wear clean clothes and deodorant.

• Let us know about any injuries or if you’re just not feeling 100%.

• Please do not ask to bend the rules on cost or timing for promotions/special offers. We are a tiny, tiny business and promotions are designed intentionally to help us be sustainable (aka stay in business :-).

• Please let us know directly about any issues/feedback you have.

• We are a body neutral studio, please do not comment on anyone else’s body, even if you think you’re offering a compliment. You never know if someone is struggling with an eating disorder, body image, etc., and even the most well-intentioned comments about appearance can be hurtful. The studio is a safe space for everyone, and body appearance may have nothing to do with why they come to class.

• Remember how much it means to us and the people around you that you are showing up. And remember what good work you’re doing for your health and well-being. We are so psyched you are part of Alpenglow!