Fartlek Workout on Track or Loop by Your Home
for Sunday, May 24 • by Elise Annes


This workout is about 40-45 minutes. It goes by quickly. You can use a phone or stopwatch for this or make it more relaxed and just find random markers on the loop or road and use those to target for your faster pace.

Dynamic Stretch

Inch worm warm up: four of these to startStand tall with your legs straight and then bend over and touch the floor. Keeping your legs straight, walk your hands forward as far as you can without letting your hips sag. Then take small steps to walk your feet back to your hands. That’s one rep.

Run/Jog Warm up

Warm up for five minutes in easy jog or moderate-paced walk.

Run/Jog Work Intervals

5 times at 3 minutes run (run at your mile pace) with 1 minute easy jog or walk in between.
4 times at 1 minute run with 45 seconds easy jog or walk in between.

Cool Down Jog

5 minutes of cool down.

Stretch and recover